Satler windows and doors, Slovenia
Satler windows and doors
Satler windows and doors


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General Terms and Conditions

All materials on the website and subsites are protected by copyright. The website (and all its subsites) is intended for personal use and information purposes only. By using the website (i.e. by browsing it, using it to obtain information, using the application, etc.), you are deemed to have consented to the General Terms and Conditions published thereon. If you do not so consent, you shall be deemed to not be allowed to use the website as specified above. Satler okna in vrata d.o.o. reserves the right to modify these General Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. All modifications shall enter into force immediately. Data protection as referred to on the website shall form an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions.


Unless otherwise specified, the design of the website and all the materials published thereon are protected by industrial property rights, copyright and neighbouring rights (i.e. intellectual property rights). The programming code, information, texts, images and other graphical elements of the website are intended solely for personal and non-commercial use (i.e. browsing) and shall not be used, reproduced, changed, transferred, approved or published in full or in part, sent, licensed or published in various publications for any purpose whatsoever without the prior written consent of the website administrator and/or owner.


The administrator of the website shall mean the natural or legal person who is also the owner of the website and is in charge of the proper operation thereof independently or in collaboration with external contractors.

The maintainer or coordinator of the website shall mean the natural or legal person who has been commissioned by the administrator of the website for maintenance, modifications and updates thereto as instructed by the administrator of the website.

Personal data refer to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter referred to as “data subject”). An identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number, such as their name, address, location or other.

Processing means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

Controller means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data.

Processor means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller.

Recipient means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or another body, to which the personal data are disclosed, whether a third party or not.

General Provisions

The administrator of the website shall take all reasonable measures to ensure the data on the website are up-to-date and accurate but shall not be held liable for their accuracy and/or currency. The administrator of the website may also provide photographs of products and services which are deemed symbolic and do not necessarily guarantee specific properties of any given product and/or service. Unless specifically state, published materials shall not be deemed official documents. The administrator of the website reserves the right to change the content of the website at any time for technical, legal, commercial or any other relevant reasons without prior notice. All materials published on the website can be changed without any obligation to give notice thereof to users of the website and shall not be held liable for any effects thereof.

The administrator of the website shall ensure that all services on the website are available 24/7 but shall not guarantee the operation of all electronic services without any interruptions, errors, difficulties or any other defects or the successful use thereof. Any criminal or civil liability for loss or limited access of data or any other accidental, indirect, special or consequential injury arising from the use or inability of use of the website, including without limitation for loss of revenue or expected profits, goodwill impairment, loss of transactions or data, technical defects, price, delivery period, product and service description-associated errors or the improper operation of the website, shall be excluded.

To the extent permitted by the law, any liability of the owner, administrator or any other natural or legal person involved in the creation and design of the website and any other natural or legal person in any way affiliated with the website, shall also be excluded.


The website contains cookies that serve to enhance the operation of the website. The controller does not collect any personal data on visitors of the website, except for data specified in the General Terms and Conditions.

An HTTP cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser while the user is browsing. These small pieces of data are provided to the website which has stored them during the next visit of the user. They are used by most websites.

Cookies are not harmful, are used for various purposes and help enhance the use of websites. They are used to register into user accounts with usernames and passwords, to save items in the shopping carts in e-shops and to keep statistical data on the number of website visits, etc.

All cookies have an expiry date subject to their role. They can be stored for a few minutes, hours or for an unlimited period of time.

It is up to you to decide whether you shall allow the storage of cookies on your computer. All cookie settings can be adjusted and controlled in your web browser.

For more information on cookie settings, select the applicable web browser.

Cookies used on our website do not collect any personally identifiable information and cannot tamper with your computer, tablet or smartphone. Cookies facilitate the operation of our website and help us understand which information is most useful for its visitors.

List of cookies used on our website

1. First-party cookies

Cookie name Duration Description
EuCookieLaw  1-year duration Saves the user’s preferences
ASP.NET_SessionId Session duration
User session identifier 
.ASPXANONYMOUS  3-month duration
Functional cookie
language 1-year duration
Saves the user’s language preferences
Google Analytics  
_utma 2-year duration
Google Analytics records the distinction between users and sessions.
_utmb 30 minut  Google Analytics records a new session or a new user.
_utmz 6-month duration
Google Analytics specifies the source of traffic or promotional campaign.
_utmc Session duration
Google Analytics records the duration of the visit.

2. Third-party cookies

Cookie name Duration Description
Session duration    
Monitors the settings of the user when they view Google Maps on the website.
6-month duration
PREF 2-year duration Google 


Cookies used on our website do not collect any personally identifiable information and cannot tamper with your computer, tablet or smartphone. Cookies facilitate the operation of our website and help us understand which information is most useful for its visitors.

You may choose to disable cookies but bear in mind that, by doing so, you may reduce the functionality of the website. By using the website, you agree to the use of cookies which can be disabled.

Personal data protection

The administrator of the website is committed to ensure the appropriate and safe use of personal data. Personal data provided by users via forms on the website or in any other manner (via telephone, e-mail, etc.) shall be deemed strictly confidential and shall not be transferred to any unauthorised third parties without any legal basis.

Personal data processed by are clearly indicated on the website forms and shall be subject to our needs and their processing purpose. Personal data shall not be treated as sensitive data.

Consent to the processing and protection of personal data

Users of the website explicitly consent to the collection and processing of their personal data for the purposes of their use of the website and provision of electronic services, system management and notifications. shall collect only data required for the proper provision of services, communication between the administrator and/or owner and users of the website. We hereby reserve the right to use the data obtained as specified above and, in compliance with the General Terms and Conditions, published on this website, and all other data continuously and without limitation for the needs of the administrator, owner or provider as specified in the General Terms and Conditions until users of the website do not specifically oppose thereto.

All personal data obtained on the website are obtained in a manner compliant with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), whereby, by consenting to the General Terms and Conditions, users shall be deemed to consent to and explicitly allow the use of the provided personal data for further communication between the administrator and user. Users shall be deemed to be made aware of the purposes of personal data processing, availability and the possibility to erase their personal data.

In particular, users shall consent to the processing of their personal data for the implementation of contracts and measures taken prior to the conclusion of contracts without limitation. For security reasons, the website shall also collect IP addresses of users accessing and using the website.

The internal data protection act, if any, shall form an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions and can be obtained upon request at the premises of the Controller.

Personal consent of the user

The Data Controller shall ensure that users are provided with the explicit (opt-in) personal consent option, as required, without a pre-completed confirmation opt-in window (this applies to direct contact established via e-mail, telephone or the website). Personal consent of the user means a freely given and informed consent to the processing of their personal data for a specific purpose subject to information provided by the Controller in compliance with these General Terms and Conditions.

Analytics and statistics

Personal data obtained on the basis of a visit of the website shall not be stored or shall be stored in anonymous form and shall not be personally identifiable. These data shall be held by the Google Analytics tool. In compliance therewith, Google LLC shall be deemed a Processor to the extent permitted by the law. If a user does not consent thereto, they shall be prohibited from using the website in compliance with the General Terms and Conditions. Data obtained as specified in this section are not sensitive data, of which all visitors are notified.

Retention of personal data

All data collected by the administrator of the website shall be retained for the needs of the administrator of the website in compliance with the General Terms and Conditions. Personal data shall be stored on the website (as inquiries) or, if they are required for further communication with users, in other databases of the company (CRM, Goods Management software, Excel).

All users shall have the right to request consultation of their personal data or data on the processing of their personal data by authorised persons by sending an e-mail to the administrator of the website.

Remote communication

The administrator of the website shall contact users by means of remote communication (e-newsletter, promotions, discounts, etc.) unless a specific user explicitly opposes thereto. E-mails sent by shall be clearly marked as commercial messages with a clear indication of the sender and terms and conditions for consent to receiving specific promotions in addition to a clearly marked method of unsubscribing from promotional messages.

Exceptional disclosure of personal data

Data collected and processed by the administrator of the website shall be disclosed only if provided by law in force or if such measures are required for proceedings before courts or other competent national authorities.

Availability of personal data

Personal data shall be stored on the website in the event of inquiries and shall be made available to the administrator and maintainer of the website. The administrator of the website shall be deemed the Controller and the maintainer of the website the Processor. The Processor shall not use personal data for their own needs but solely for the needs of the Controller as instructed thereby.

Access to personal data shall also be made available to the domain provider who, in compliance with the agreement concluded with the Data Controller, shall not be allowed to access personal data without the Data Controller’s prior consent.

Access shall also be made available to the staff and authorised persons of the Controller and Processor to the extent permissible by law. All persons specified above shall be bound to protect personal data with due diligence.

Protection of personal data

Personal data are protected and the administrator of shall take all the required measures to prevent access thereto to unauthorised persons. In the event of a breach of this article, the administrator of hereby undertakes to notify users of any unauthorised access to their personal data.

Data Protection Officer

The Data Protection Officer has been specified in the internal data protection act and shall be disclosed upon requests of users. For data protection reasons, their name shall not be disclosed publicly.

Rights of data subjects

Data subjects shall hold the right to consultation of processed personal data. They shall also hold the right to order the rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing without justification or reason by sending an e-mail to

Final provisions

The website and all its subsites are owned and administered by SATLER OKNA IN VRATA, d.o.o., Bistriška cesta 2, SI-2319 Poljčane, Slovenia, VAT ID number: SI40068323 or the Controller. The maintainer of the website is Premium Marketing d.o.o., Zgornje Škofije 126D, SI-6281 Škofije, Slovenia, VAT ID number: SI99245795 or the Processor. The maintainer of the website is KIVI COM d.o.o., Kidričeva ulica 3A; SI-2380 Slovenj Gradec, VAT ID number: SI86143735 or the Processor.

In compliance with the General Terms and Conditions, Recipients are also SoftNET informacijske infrastrukture d.o.o., Borovec 2, SI-1236 Trzin, Slovenia, VAT IT number: SI60527935 as the domain provider and Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States, as the provider of the analytical tool and processor of anonymised data.

These General Terms and Conditions enter into force as of 1 January 2018. All amendments thereto shall enter into force as of the date of publication on the website specified above.



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